Saturday, October 22, 2016

Interview with Leah Green

Leah is an actress, writer and director based in the West Midlands, UK.
She began acting in 2010 after completing a drama course with the Birmingham Theatre School.
After a series of short films, Leah co wrote and co directed her first feature film, "Checking In", with Dave Hastings, Kaushy Patel, Mark Adams and Troy Dennison. The film went on to win 'Best British Film' at the London Film and Television Awards in 2014.
Since then she has acted in her first feature role in "The House of Screaming Death", starring RSC actor Ian McNeice, set to be released in 2017.

What inspired you to first get into acting?

"Well firstly, I have a very analytical mind and always wonder how things are made. So after looking into the behind the scenes aspect of film it immediately captivated me. Going back to school I initially had an interest in screenwriting and wanted to study it in college. I'm originally from Birmingham but my family lived in Ireland for nine years, so the plan was to move back to Birmingham and study screenwriting. I got offered a place at Sutton Sixform but unfortunately my UCAS grant fell through so that put a temporary halt to my plans. My family moved back to Birmingham in 2009 and I knew I still wanted to be involved in film or theatre in some shape or form. Somehow I found a course with the Birmingham Theatre School and that seemed to have kick started my journey into acting."

Who are your favorite actors/actresses?

"My favourite actress, hands down, is Bette Davis. I've watched a lot of her films and everytime she manages to create captivating and strong characters. As an actress/film maker it's hard to watch films/TV shows without analysing the craftmanship but whenever I watch a Bette Davis film I forget all about the technicalities and get drawn into the performance. I also admire how fiercly she stood up to the industry at the time and in my opinion, she is one of the greatest actresses of all time."

How hard is it to transition from being yourself to being your character?

"When I first started out, it was extremely hard. My first film role was in a horror fanfilm and I remember worrying myself sick, trying to remember my lines and speaking with a convincing enough American accent. I never thought about character thought process. I think it was only the last few years where I realized the difference between pretending to be someone opposed to actually being someone. That being said I don't think I've developed a set process where I transition in and out of character just yet. I'm still very much learning."

Outside of acting, what do you like to do with your time?

"Definitely writing. Anything creative really. I have a keen interest in comic books and hopefully one day I'll get around to finishing some of my graphic novel ideas. I also play guitar when the mood takes me and enjoy jamming with my best friend."

What are your favorite movies and why?

"Well, carrying on from my love of Bette Davis it's a tie between 'All About Eve' and 'Whatever Happened to Baby Jane?'. The dialogue in both, especially 'All About Eve' is what really drives the action and makes them a favourite of mine. Truly intelligent writing and very witty. There aren't a lot films made like that anymore. That being said a couple more recent films I like are 'Bright Star' directed by Jane Campion and 'Breathe In' directed by Drake Doremus."

What are things you love about your work?

"I assume you mean acting/filmaking as my day job is in retail and I can honestly say there is very little I enjoy about that. In regards to film making I have yet to actually have it feel like a chore or work. It's somethng that I enjoy immensely. Both behind the camera and in front. From the films that I have made, it's still amazing how passionate everyone is. A lot of the people I have had the pleasure of working with, have day jobs and still they are willing to give up their free time to create. The joy I guess when acting is stepping into another world and into someone else's shoes. It's almost like the rabbit hole. Who knows where it will take you."

If you could work with anyone,(director/writer/actor) who would you like to work with?

"That's a hard one. I do admire Darren Aronofsky's work, as a director. I would love to do an action film at some point so maybe something written by David S. Goyer (Blade) or Neil Marshall (Doomsday) and actor wise it's gotta be Melissa McCarthy. I think she's fantastic and very underrated."

What role would you love to play / your dream role?

"Maybe Lara Croft if they decide to reboot the film franchise. When I was younger I wanted to be an archaeologist. I honestly thought being an archaeologist was like Tomb Raider or Indiana Jones. Running around in ancient ruins, firing guns, getting chased by monsters and rival archaeologists. I was very disappointed when I realized that isn't the case."

And finally, where can people follow your progress online?

"My website is and you can also find me on Facebook and on Twitter leah_m_green"

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