Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Interview with Pippa Harrison

Can you first introduce yourself to the reader?

"My name's Pippa Harrison, I'm 22 and I'm living in London at the moment!"

When and how did you know that you wanted to act?

"Erm, well I was young when I realised I wanted to be a performer. I trained as a dancer most of my life but I did pantomimes and drama club at school. In primary school I remember we were doing a scene from Midsummer Nights Dream and I did something that made everyone laugh and I realised that I loved it, I loved being able to make people laugh by acting so I just sort of never stopped. My GCSE drama teacher played a massive part as well, I got on with him so well that he was the reason I chose to take acting to the next level, I have a lot to thank him for!"

Who is your ideal role model in the acting industry?

"Emma Stone, hands down. I honestly love her. She has inspired me for years, maybe it's because of the comedy thing, like she is hilarious. She just sort of seems to have the right idea about how to own her career. She is absolutely hilarious!"

Do you have any hobbies?

"Sure! I love writing, like I've kept a journal since I was 11, I love looking back at everything that has happened to me through me life because at least 10 ridiculous things happen to me a day, it's funny to keep track. I really social as well, I am addicted to just being around people 24/7. I just love it."

What are your favorite movies?

"Oh god I have so many but why is it that on the spot I have forgotten every film I've watched in my life! I think my top three are probably The Parent Trap, We're the Millers and Girl Interrupted!"

What does a person need to be a good actress?

"Wow that's a hard one that I'm not sure I have the answer too. I think for me it's just really important to have thick skin. At the end of the day if you're not right for a role, then you're not going to get it. That doesn't mean you're not talented and I had to learn that. Coming from a dance background helped with that because it can be a lot more brutal sometimes. Also I think you need to be open minded and just try things out. I have absolutely no inhibitions whatsoever so I will literally try everything out until something works. So yeah I guess having thick skin and a willingness to try everything."

The best part of being an actress?

"It's exciting as hell. Like, you make sure fast bonds with casts and crew and it's amazing. I love how close everyone on a film set or in a theatre company get it is hands down my favourite part. I am normally always in streams of tears laughing before takes or during rehearsals, I don't know how it happens but it does and it is my favourite thing ever! Maybe I've just been really lucky with the people I've worked with so far!"

What's one thing you would change about the film industry?

"Some of the impossible standards that are out there. Everyone is sort of just turning into the same person. I was just reading an interview with Mila Kunis and she was mentioning how everyone has like the same facial features now. It's a weird thing to think about but it's kinda true everyone is just turning into one person. I don't know, it's not true for everyone but it's just something to think about."

What role would you love to play?

"I'd love to have played Lisa in Girl Interrupted, but Angelina Jolie already nailed that! I don't know, I'd love to be in a comedy and just play someone hilarious like Melissa McCarthy's character in Bridesmaids or any character Rebel Wilson has played ever! That's my goal really!"

And finally describe yourself in 3 words.

"Ridiculous, confident, unpredictable."

Check out & follow Pippa Harrison on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram

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